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About Grace

In my personal journey I began to understand that each of us has the blueprint for our own healing stored within us. Each of us unconsciously knows what is healthy for us, and how to get there, even if we cannot see the way clearly in the moment. This process of inner exploration helps us to tap into our innate healing potential, allowing us to lead the life we long for.

My life experience grounds my therapeutic work, allowing me to connect with you authentically.  It has also given me an unwavering presence of heart and a deep belief in each person’s ability to heal and transform. In the process of supporting my clients in their healing journey, I listen with both my heart and mind. I work in a compassionate and engaging way that is intuitive, spontaneous, and gently participative. While working on this deep level, I also provide practical support. Clients express that they feel heard, respected, cared for, and that they experience lasting change in their lives.


Professional Experience

I spent my formative years of practice in New York City as a social worker. While counseling at-risk children and teens, I completed a psychology degree from Columbia University. This dynamically challenging work left an indelible imprint on my development and skills as a counselor.

Following an inner call, I moved to San Francisco for graduate-level training in counseling psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, passing the California State Exam as a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist.  The integration of mindfulness training, somatic practices, and traditional western psychodynamic psychology has greatly informed my practice.

Having spent 18 years working as a therapist, I am daily renewed by the courage and change I see in my clients.



“What makes Grace special is her unique authenticity, integrity, and presence. She isn’t just talking the talk: You can tell immediately that she is totally engaged and present with you in the moment and that palpable feeling made it surprisingly easy for me to let down my barriers and open myself up to the therapeutic experience.”



“And the day came when the risk to remain in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin
